Cary – Our Preparations Moving to Europe – Initial Thoughts

Welcome to the Griffin’s European travel journal. Here we hope to highlight our travel preparations, travels and experiences moving to Europe and specifically Italy. Today is the start of this blog but not the start of our journey, which frankly started some five (5) years ago.

To be frank, this journey has been long in coming. The first germs of our even wanting to do this occurred close to a decade ago, if not somewhat longer. Now that time is growing short for our trip, there seems almost too much to do: financial planning, selling, gifting, storing, packing, and shipping; the list seems to grow each day. We enter our third week from finishing all this up which will culminate with our travel and entry into Europe via Milan, Italy.

Our storage – our life condensed into a 16 cubic meter space for our children…

As this our first post on this subject and the day has grown somewhat long in the tooth already, I shall pause here and add more tomorrow or later this week. I hope to convey some of the results of our own specific preparations as well as investigations into what we think still must be done. Back soon!

My Initial Thoughts

This is where I write about non-travel related things important to me. Unfortunately since my interests are so esoteric the topics may range quite far from each other, I will therefore try to add a subtopic tag to each along with a hopefully accurate title, we’ll see. The posts may also come in bursts instead of a steady stream, so please be patient, it is probably due to travel or stresses related to moving to Europe.