London – Part Three

Another day in London and more to see. Before we left, our daughter Meagan purchased the 3-day London Pass. The pass is a bit pricey, but gets you into loads of Museums, Memorials, Churches and many other places. This includes, the Churchill War Rooms, HMS Belfast, the Shard, St. Paul’s Cathedral, Westminster Abbey and many others. So we thought it might be a good buy.

Churchill War Rooms

If you have any interest at all how the British and their Prime Minister, Winston Churchill, survived and ultimately helped win the war, then you have to see his war rooms.

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As can be imagined, London itself is teaming with memorials from all of its wars. This one however is amazing, because it impresses upon the visited some of the effort, at the highest levels, it took to fight a war on a global scale.

England was not only fighting the Germans, but also the Japanese, who invaded their southeast Asian colonies as well.

Churchill’s Direct Line with the White House

During those times both England and America saw the need for direct communications and arrange a phone system to stretch completely across the Atlantic Ocean. A feat we take for granted today.

The War Rooms are full of interactive venues where you can take your time to read, explore and learn about the man who took England through one of the most dangerous and dark times in its history.

The HMS Belfast

HMS Belfast

As promised in my earlier post, we did indeed have the occasion to board the HMS Belfast. Again, it’s part of the London Pass and allows you to roam a WWII era British Cruiser.

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Since we have already discussed the ship in Part One, we give you a slide show of the ship as you can explore and see it.

And if you are looking for enemies, well I imagine this baby can still find ’em..! [Joke: it’s only a prop]



If you are ever in London and looking for a place to eat, there are of course as you can imagine, thousands to choose from. We have eaten at the following restaurants and can recommend them all highly.

The Wolseley

We had a brunch here and the atmosphere, perhaps a take on old empire England with Oriental panels, was unique.

The food was everything, from the usual simple English breakfast fare, to the more exotic dishes with fish, animal organs, etc. However, they have bacon and eggs and their egg omelets are great too!

The Hawksmoor Seven Dials

I have no idea how they derived this name, so do not ask. However, if you are looking for a good steak, this is the place to go, a carnivores heaven.

The food prices here are, as expected, a bit on the high side, but not as high as some of the wine. There are only a few entries in the wine list under 50£. For example, the Chateau de Beaucastel above, went for 165£. So bring your plastic, or plenty of cash.

The Ivy

This is perhaps my favorite. A cozy place that serves several different and interesting kinds of fare, backed up by a reasonably priced wine list.

The atmosphere here is just great, since the architecture of the building is a triangle; there are stained glass windows all around you. The bar is the centerpiece and very well done, surrounded by tables with small lamps on them, reminiscent of something out of a by-gone era. Highly recommended!

Watford – The Harry Potter Experience

Tickets For Two – Harry Potter Experience

About an hour’s journey north of London, if one uses England’s excellent rail service, is the city of Watford. An unassuming place except for the fact that it is the home of Warner Brother Studios in England, which was responsible for bringing the Harry Potter series of books to life.

Once you leave the Watford Junction train station, you hop on a bus to travel the rest of the way to the studio.

Hogwarts Castle

A main part of the entire first building set, is all about Hogwarts; including the Main Hall, the Student Rooms and many other sets that changed from one movie to another.

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The main hall is pretty much as you see it in the movies. It even has a real stone floor, necessary since this prop apparently had to be used for the entire series of movies. I purposely did not caption any images for brevity and most who are familiar with the movies will probably understand what they are looking at. The tour itself is broken up into several parts, since the tour spans two whole set buildings.

Of course, like the other Hogwart’s children, Harry had two homes. One with the Dursley’s and the other at Hogwarts Castle.

Near the end of the tour, there are massive models of the castle.

The Hogwarts Train

There is another set all about the train and one can tour the inside of the cars that were used during shooting. Each carriage enclosure is cast for each one of the movies, eight in total.

The Dursley’s House

As part of the outside set, you can find the house that was created for the Dursley home.

The set is complete with Harry’s numerous invitations to Hogwarts, a very well done treat.

Hagrid’s House And More

A favorite of everyone’s, is probably Hagrid’s House, that small, stone, iconic little shack where three friends and Hagrid used to talk about the suspicious goings-ons at Hogwarts.



The Dark Forest where the spiders live, is a real thrill where kids can participate in pressing buttons to cause lightning, thunder and the descent of the giant spiders.

Gringott’s Bank

The bank teller stations and set remain also as they did in the movies. There is a very good explanation on how they mimicked the goblins, marble and glass chandeliers that you see.

Other Sets

There are many other sets, almost too many to put in one blog. Here is a virtual tour of other sets and things you can see while there.

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We therefore recommend, if you ever are in London and have time to get to Watford, go see the Experience; it is well worth the 2 to 3 hours you will have to spend there just to get through it!

London – Part Two

This being our second day in London, it was time to meet up with our daughter Meagan and her husband Jason and do some real sight-seeing. Though just having flown in from New York City would slow us down a little bit.

London Bridge and the Borough Market

Our first order of business, after having some time to catch-up and then take “The Tube“, was to walk across the real London Bridge from Monument Station. Not to be confused with the Tower Bridge which we will discuss later.

The Borough Market is the quintessential small town market on steroids for a big city like London. It has a myriad of trendy shops and market kiosks, along with traditional farm products from all over Europe being represented with their quality meats and cheeses. Of course, I wanted to purchase some Alpine Cheese or Tyrolese Sausage, but time and fear of having it taken from my luggage on the trip back to Italy, prevented me from doing so.

This walk took us in the general direction of the new “The Shard“, a triangular spire of a building reminiscent of the “One World Trade Center“. After having a very unremarkable lunch at the Horniman at Hays, we ascended The Shard for a view of the city.

The Shard

As one can imagine, on a good day like ours, you can see the entire city from this height.

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HMS Belfast

The HMS Belfast is a Town-class British 6 inch gun light cruiser of World War II vintage. Similar in age to the U.S.S. North Carolina in Wilmington, North Carolina, this ship has real class and some very nice lines. If time permits I hope to go back and have a peak inside.

The Tower Bridge and Tower of London

When London comes to mind for me, I think of the BBC and the river Thames flowing under the Tower Bridge as a preamble to TV shows I frequently watched on PBS.

The Tower Bridge – An Iconic London Landmark

Since I last saw it, years ago, the bridge appears to be woefully in need of a paint job, though nonetheless it is still graceful in appearance.

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As some may already know, the Tower Bridge is most likely named after the Tower of London, that well-known ancient prison and current repository for the Crown Jewels.

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The grounds to the Tower of London are rather large, and there is quite a lot to see here. There are several museums to visit, all of which appear to have been done in very good detail.

Tower of London – Changing of the Guard

One can also see a similar “Changing of the Guard” that you can witness at Buckingham Palace. Just behind the guards above, is the entrance to the Crown Jewels.

The Crown Jewels

As had been alluded to before, there are several other towers that one can visit, all of which have different histories. One of the better ones, and which also involves Sir Walter Raleigh, of North Carolina fame, is the Bloody Tower.

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From 1603 until 1616, Sir Walter Raleigh was held prisoner here. Though he was afforded amenities not many other prisoners were given, including gardening to make herbal remedies and other concoctions, his internment still must have been very unpleasant.

London – Part One

Some time ago, probably during the hot days of Summer, we decided it might be a good idea to visit London pre-Brexit. Not so much to say that we remember when London was part of the European Union (EU), but more that we expect with the forthcoming travel restrictions it will become so what more difficult to enter and exit, and also expect prices for commodities there, like real Scotch Whiskey, to become more expensive over time.

Our Hotel

We are staying at the Conrad, ostensibly a five-star Hilton Hotel. However, I must say, after being here for less than a day I would say it’s more of a 4.5 star hotel (it’s the little things you know).


For our first night, we naively walked into the Colosseo Italian Restaurant figuring we would get something small, like a soup and salad, or something similar. I know, we just got off the plane from Turin and we went to an Italian restaurant! Oh well, that reminds me I have a longing for Chinese food too. But I digress.

The Colosseo Restaurant – Italian Dining at its Best

The waiter seated us quickly enough and got us our drinks, while we perused the menu. That was it for me, once I started reading all the good stuff, and dishes we would not normally find in Turin, it was the Minestrone Soup and the Penne with Broccoli. Later I also ordered the Torrincino dessert with Sambuca and Café (espresso). Did I say just soup and salad? And the food was just excellent.

Some Sights of London

For our night stroll, we chose to head down to Big Ben, even though we know it’s still shrouded, due to the renovations going on. For now we leave you with some photographs of our leisurely walk.

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We will be in England for some time, so please look forward to many more posts! Until then, CHEERS!