Noto, Sicily – A Viel Of Flowers

To my knowledge there is no analog in the United States to the custom and festival similar to the one practiced in Noto, Sicily. Each year the town and local people celebrate the Infiorata, or festival of flowers. It is one of three towns known to have such a festival, which includes the towns of Spello and Genzano.


Noto is a world heritage UNESCO site and is well known for its cathedral and other archaeological wonders. Not only does the Noto Cathedral represent the epitome of Sicilian Baroque style, but it is the major landmark in the city. Over the years it suffered damage from repeated earthquakes and shoddy repairs, only to finally collapse in the 1990s after years of neglect. The church that stands before us today is almost a complete resurrection of the former cathedral, since only the facade and outside walls escaped destruction.

It was totally destroyed in 1693 by an enormous earthquake and devastated it and the surrounding towns and villages. More than half of the residents perished in the violent event. It was later reconstructed at its current location in what is now considered the Sicilian Baroque style. Below is a slideshow with other sites that we saw while visiting, mostly churches of course.

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L’Infiorata di Noto

The entrance fee on-site is 3€/person, however we booked our’s through the website and were charge 3.50€/person, plus an additional .60€ for processing. So keep in mind, obtaining your ticket early may not always be the best or most cost effective.

The route of the flower festival is in the center of town and includes the entire street of Via Corrado Nicolaci. This year’s theme was Italian cinema.

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After taking in the flowers, the festival continues down by the Porta Reale Ferdinando and the park Villa Communale off  of Corso Victoria Emanuele. Here you can buy all sorts of fair type items, from home-made nutbars, granola bars, specialized candies and other assorted items and drinks.


We only ate lunch here, but the place we originally chose was closed on Tuesdays, so we had to adapt and chose another place, which was timely, because the weather was not cooperating again.

Cortes Restaurant

Situated on the main shopping thoroughfare in the middle of town is Cortes Ristorante. Here one may easily find a typical Italian dish to enjoy for lunch. I ordered an Insalate Mista and Spaghetti with garlic and oil, Patti ordered the Spaghetti with garlic and oil along with crushed pistachios. The food was very good and the prices were reasonable.

Cefalù, Sicily – Water, Water, Everywhere

We have traveled a lot throughout Europe and especially Italy and occasionally you will get a rainy or snowy day. But nothing prepared us for our arrival in Cefalù, or as we write it in english, Cefalu; a small touristy town situated on the north side of the island of Sicily.


We arrived by Trenitalia’s Pop train from Palermo, which runs approximately every hour and costs around 6.50€/person. These are normally local tourism trains in the major areas and can be called Pop, Jazz, or almost anything. They provide reasonably priced and fast transportation to the coastal tourism spots. If you need to travel a longer distance, you will most likely have to use the normal Trenitalia or Intercity service.

Similar to other touristy spots in the US and other parts of the world, Cefalu is definitely administered and managed for the traveler. Though quiet during these months, I can imagine it can get a bit noisy during the summer months with its extensive beach and boardwalk beckoning travelers on. With the addition of all the shops and artisans in town, you have the perfect recipe for the tourist trap. So, if you are only interested in the historic aspects of the town and area, it probably behooves you to travel earlier or later in the year, in order to avoid its busy potential. Otherwise, if you are a sun lover, this could be a very good destination for you.

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Other than that, we happened to arrive when Sicily was getting one of its worst storm system in twenty years. Not only did it rain incessantly, the wind and the temperatures made for a quite challenging time. If there wasn’t water, water, everywhere, there was always the threat of rain, so you always had to pack an umbrella. We got wet so often, we started debating whether we should go out at all. We were glad we did, otherwise there would have been no way to see everything that we did in such a compressed time.

Monte de Pieta

The Mount of Pity was first funded in the early 1700s by Don Vincenzo Costa. The institution became very important to the economy of the city, but after World War II fell into decline. It has elegantly framed windows and a molded lintel and is an example of the advanced baroque architecture in Cefalu.

Torre Orologio

Not far from Il Duomo and in Piazza Garibaldi, almost next to Ristorante Porta Terra is the Torre Orologio, or the clock tower. Like most other cities, probably the go to place at one time to set your own timepiece to, but now, though it still functions, appears to be in dire need of some repairs. While we were eating at Porta Terra, we noticed the bells do not function perfectly, even though if you paid attention, it appeared to tell the correct time within a few minutes of the actual, even though the ringing was quite muted.

Lavatoio Medievale Fiume Cefalin

This little historic bit, easily missed by the unaware tourist ambling along the via Vittorio Emanuele, is an old laundry.

Made out of stone and fountains, the town’s people in the old days used to come here to do their laundry. It is still in working order, though modern day appliances make its use today superfluous.

Il Duomo

The Cathedral of Syracuse sits on high ground directly under the La Rocca, or The Rock. It has a large piazza and spacious interior and can be seen from some distance. While we were here, it was under renovation inside, so we were unable to see it in all its glory.

Castello di Cefalu

You enter the hike to the caste via the Rocca di Cefalu. It starts out with finely paved stairs and steps, that one would typically find in any Italian town with hills in it.

The entrance fee is 5€/person and the experience will definitely introduce one to the true meaning of Italian bureaucracy. Not only is there a self-service machine, but someone there that actually asks you what you want, takes your money, purchases the ticket for you, then hands it to someone else in the kiosk who is there to tabulate the number in a book. This number is again used when you leave, so do not throw your ticket out. Once your ticket is returned, another person is waiting to take it from you and helps you scan it in the automated turnstile. All in today’s times totally unnecessary. There is obviously either some abstruse Italian or municipal law that probably requires them to do so.

After the turnstile, the hike starts immediately to climb. There are hairpins all along the way up until you enter the first set of walls and gates, which were the first line of defense. This was a perfect point in which to take a few photographs and enjoy the view of Cefalu from above.

The hike then brings you to a fork in the road with a sign, archeological ruins left, castle right, we chose the right route, figuring we wanted to see it first. It then continues and enters a steep area of tree and grass along sheer walls of stone, home to a large number of goats. If you pay attention, you can hear their calls and see them climbing the stone walls as if to mock you.

After what seems like another half an hour of switching back and forth along the trail you enter the area of the castle. Here are the remnants of the once grand Cefalu Castle, Perched high above the town, it had a commanding view of the countryside and in its time, must have been unassailable. From here one can take amazing photographs of the town below, the sea and the beautiful countryside below.

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On the way down we bore right in the direction of the archeological site. The path was somewhat muddier and steeper then the other path we ascended upon. However, we descended quickly and enjoyed visiting the Temple of Demeter and an old cistern that is onsite. There is also a cafe here, were you can purchase something small to eat or drink. From here the descent is rapid and soon enough you will be handing the ticket back to the office so they can record your departure, or whatever useful information they derive from it.

One of the many pleasures of the Italian countryside and its parks, are the flowers. Italy goes out of its way not to poison things, so there are numerous flowers and other blossoming things around, where bees and other pollinators can feed. Here is a short slideshow with some examples on this hike.

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Hotel Victoria Palace

Our hotel was situated right across the street from the boardwalk and the sea. The views were very nice and we found it especially convenient, instead of being directly in town, where the streets are more confining and more difficult to move around in. The rooms here are fairly spacious and have most of the amenities that Americans are used, with the exception of an ironing board and a few other things. All and all, the staff is very friendly and welcoming and the downstairs cafe has excellent coffee and also a gelato bar, which we frequented more than once.


The White Horse

We ate dinner here the first night in Cefalu. We chose this restaurant due to the threat of rain and because it was right up the street and very close. Unfortunately at the time, we didn’t realize that being in the vicinity would help much staying dry.

The food here is typical Italian pizzeria, very good and very reasonable prices. They have pizza, calzone, spaghetti and pasta dishes, and a wood fired brick oven to cook it all in.

Il Gabbiano

We actually ate here twice, once for lunch and once for dinner.

Ristorante – Al Gabbiano – Cefalu, Sicily

For lunch we ate outside, since the weather was trying to improve and it was rather nice out. I ordered the Zuppa di Verdure and the Spaghetti al Pomodoro and Patti had a mixed salad.

For dinner we ate inside, since the evenings in May can be rather cool, especially with the breeze from the sea blowing inland. I ordered the the mixed salad and the Spaghetti Bolognese, Patti order the Spaghetti al Pomodoro I had the day before. Both were delicious and with wine and water came to a reasonable 35€.

La Siciliana

This is a delightful restaurant for lunch and is located within the town on via Gioeni. It has a full manu and will please seafood and land lovers alike.

I had the Zuppa di Verdura con Legumi and the Lasagna, while Patti finally found here Aranchini on the menu and ordered a sampler plate of that. Both were delicious. With food, a hald liter of wine, water and coffee, it came to a reasonable 37€ for two.

Porta Terra

A fine restaurant located in the Piazza Garibaldi in the upper part of town. We booked our reservations using The Fork and got a free hors d’oeuvres of Cherry Tomato, Mozzarella and Pistachio Cream in a small baked bread cup.

I ordered a glass of a fine red Sicilian wine called Nero d’Altura. Patti had the breaded tuna with Mango and avocado sauce, and I had the baked cod with a reduction of pinoli nuts, raisins and kalamata olives over mashed potatoes, both of which were delicious. The dinner was a bit on the high side at 71€ for both of us, but the food was worth every cent.

Palermo, Sicily – Mediterranean Nexus

Situated on the north coast of the autonomous region of Sicily is Palermo, both the capital of the province and of the region itself. It is an ancient city which has been ruled over its long history by many different powers. It was once a nexus for essential trade routes in the Mediterranean Sea.

Via Bara All’Olivella – Palermo, Sicily

We arrived at the Palermo Airport, which is actually not in Palermo, but in Punta Raisi. There are many options one can take in order to get to Palermo, ranging from the train at 6.50€/person, all the way up to private shuttle service starting at 50€/person. Being from a family of railroad workers, I prefer to take a train when possible. Not only is a far cheaper, but in Italy they almost always run on time.

One last thing, unfortunately our Tickets For Two were electronic, so it does not make sense to show, nor take a photograph of them. Let us just say, we had two tickets on a Ryanair flight from Turin to Palermo at a very reasonable rate.

A Working City

In our contemporary time, I would say the city of Palermo is struggling between its ancient roots, as with many other parts of Italy, and its desire to be modern. This is reflected in many ways as you walk through its narrow alleyways and marbled streets. Some of which are well worn with centuries of wear.

Churches of Palermo

Palermo sports amazing architecture and a church around almost every corner. The Gesu Church and the Palermo Cathedral, may be of particular interest.

The Massimo Theater

On the other cultural side of things, there is the Massimo Theater. An impressive building that is named after the piazza in which it resides.

Other Parts of the City

A few other interesting sites include the Porta Nuovo and several parks, one of which has a magnificent example of an Australian Banyan tree. However, there are many site to enjoy while strolling the city streets, sometimes it pays just to get lost, even if your favorite map is uncooperative.

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Hotel Massimo Plaza

Situated in the Piazza Massimo, almost at the start of the pedestrian zone on via Maqueda, was our unassuming hotel, Hotel Massimo Plaza. The staff was very helpful and our breakfast was served in our room, which we often find very helpful, especially when the weather is not cooperating, like it wasn’t on this trip.


In our short stay in Palermo, we found the following restaurants noteworthy. The cuisine of Palermo is typical for a southern Italian port city, most restaurants having plenty of fish and seafood on the menu. However, there are plenty of pizza places and small cafes as well, where one can purchase smaller items for takeout or to eat as they walk.

Ristorante Pizzeria Italia

This restaurant was just around the corner of our hotel and offers authentic and excellent southern Italian pizza. You may see the term pizze in your travels, but do not be deterred,  that is just the plural form in Italian for more than one pizza, it’s the same thing.

We ordered a caprese and a pizza each, I had a glass of wine and we ordered a bottle of water and the bill came to 25€ with 4€ coperto.

On To Cefalu

After our short stay here, it was on to the real start of our trip, Cefalu. Although there is plenty more to see and do in Palermo, our trip itinerary did not allow us any more time here. So using our senior discount cards, we purchased two more Trenitalia tickets and we were on our way.

In the event we do return, we plan to stay here longer and perhaps see more of the western portion of the island as well. Aside from the rain, we still had a pretty good time here and enjoyed the city of Palermo for its sites, cuisine and true grit.

Turin, Italy – Our Return And More Eating!

Turin In Spring

Perhaps one of the best times to visit Turin is in the spring. The wind is still blowing from the north, the rivers are full, the trees are in bloom and the swallows and swifts are returning from their long winter stay in Africa. We live close to the river and found you do  not need insecticide here,  just a healthy population of these birds and you will rarely be bitten.

A great time to walk the city and visit its many restaurants and cafes as well as the river Po and Valentino Park. On weekends and holidays there is always activity on the river.


For my readers,  some secrets that will help you beat the tourist lines in Turin at the other places and make your stomach very happy.

Il Buongusto

One of our new favorites and right around the corner from our apartment at via Alfonso Bonafous is the local secret,  Il Buongusto. Definitely not for tourists, in fact I would encourage only those seeking a Piedmontese experience to drop in. Everything is fresh and made in the kitchen, which is actually open to the restaurant.

Be  patient, gastronomy takes time and preparation. If you want to be in and out, select something like a salad and water, or frankly go to a fast food place on via Po. Good food takes time and this little restaurant gets very busy. When all else fails, use your Grissini fishing rod to reel in your waitress or waiter for more drinks.

The food is very good, the prices are reasonable and the wine list satisfactory, so you can always select a reasonably good wine to keep you busy while waiting. The local house selection includes Dolcetto, Nebbiolo, or Barolo by the glass, which suffice nicely.

Speaking of which, if you really love tomatoes, order the Bruschetta. For the price you get about seven large pieces of bread covered with garlic infused tomatoes and basil, with an olive oil drizzle.  Yum.

Our food was cooked perfectly, the spaghetti sauce here is uncomplicated and delicious, the cook preferring the amazing Italian tomatoes to tell their own story. I love Italian pasta, um.

Lunch for (2) two: 30+ to 40+€

La Prosciutteria

On a lark and after a long walk through the Valentino Park and along the other side of the river, we tried La Prosciutteria on Piazza Vittorio Veneto and via Alfonso Bonafous.

We ordered water,  wine, a bruschetta and a charcuterie board. The bruschetta was good, the little olives they used were very tasty.

Though I am not a meat eater by nature, the charcuterie here is quite good, especially the Tuscan cheese selections. I would suggest trying the cheeses first au natural, many are exceptional and have delicate flavors. Smearing the honey they provide I found masked their flavors, since none were blue cheeses and were not very strong. The honey by itself was delicious and would be great with a Roquefort, a Blue or similar cheese, but not much with the ones we were given.

In the end our bill was a bit on the high side, but not bad for a place on the Piazza Vittoria Veneto. Below is an example of what you can expect for two people. The two glasses of wine being the most expensive, similar to what you would find in the States now (it was never like this before, some prices are crazy, though I would say most glasses of local wines are frequently around 4-5€).

Lunch for (2) two: 30+ to 50+€

Paris, France – Quick Stop

Quick Stop Before Turin

To return to Turin this year, we chose to depart from the Raleigh-Durham area using Delta Airline’s RDU (Raleigh Durham International airport) to CDG (Paris Charles de Gaulle airport, located in Roissy-en-France) flight, as we had done occasionally before Covid-19 hit the world and Delta subsequently cancelled the service. Now that Covid-19 is more or less  forgotten, let’s just say travel is back in full swing and with it – other changes, delays and of course cancellations. So if you are planning any international travel this year to Europe or anywhere for that matter – grit your teeth, hold onto to your hats and try to be flexible.

The Disadvantages Of Flying From A Small International Hub

One of the major disadvantages of flying out of a minor or small international hub like RDU, is that, if there is any type of problem, any delay longer than  an hour or so, especially due to a mechanical issue, can and often do become cancellations. This happened to us early last week after we boarded our plane. About ten minutes after being on board, Delta discovered what they thought was a refrigerant condensation leak, which in the end turned out to be a fuel leak. Really?! The plane had landed hours before and was being turned around for its return trip and they discovered this issue only moments before we were planned to take off. My wife and I could not believe what we were hearing. In fact, the flight crew were also so surprised, the pilot came out to address us personally and answered any questions.

Well I guess it’s better they discovered the issue before we left, then while we were over the Atlantic. It just makes one wonder if we should be worrying more about the inspection schedules of these aircraft,  regardless of their safety records. In any event, our delay of one hour turned into three hours, then five and then they finally cancelled to flight within an hour of the first announcement. The primary reasons; no spare flight crews available locally and they could not fix the plane in Raleigh.

Luckily, we had already left the gate and decided to get our luggage pulled from the plane, which is a long story in and of itself (we ended up only getting one and had to come back  the next day for the other one). Even after getting the jump on everyone else, we still left the airport around midnight to return our son’s apartment and rescheduled our flight out a week (Delta was not pleased with us, but it was their fault and they still paid with extra points, etc.).

Six days later we arrived in Paris without incident and took a taxi into the city to our hotel. Since we are IHG members we booked and stayed at the Holiday Inn – Gare de Lyon. Rated a four star hotel, it is more likely a three star hotel posing as a four star. We have stayed at many privately run three star hotels that were better run and better appointed. However, it was clean, the rooms are fairly spacious and there is easy access to the metro and plenty of restaurants nearby. Moreover,  it is away from the most tourist visited areas of the city. Given all this, I still would NOT recommend it. There have to be better hotels and choices available, if one has the time to look. Plus it is missing some important amenities for an American hotel, if you look close enough to notice.

Though we took a taxi from and to the airport,  I would recommend the RER instead. Traffic in Paris is a nightmare. Though the taxi is not in itself expensive, the travel time will be at least an hour each way. Almost all the roads coming into Paris on many phone map apps will be red or worse yet, dark red, and for twenty or so minutes of our ride we were motionless.

Paris – The City of Light

Our original plans were to spend a week in Paris, but with our cancellation, those plans had to be altered and we only got to spend two days. However, with all of uproar over raising the retirement age here and the never ending threats of strikes, train and venue cancellations,  and all of the protesting; it was probably a good idea to cut this trip short and just plan it for another time. In any event, since I have already been to Paris a few times, I was able to show my wife a few of the most notable sightseeing locations, while occasionally enjoying the food.

Our Short Tour Of The City

The city is eminently walk-able and has an excellent metro. The metro can take you almost anywhere and everywhere you want to go, including back to the airport via the RER. However, in order not to miss anything, you will find walking the best option. We found walking out and taking the metro in between to be the best combination.

The Champs Elysees

This large boulevard is a common venue for the final day of the Tour de France. With its rectangular trimmed trees along each side and four lanes of traffic, it  connects two of the city’s main points of interest – the Arc de Triomphe and the Place de la Concorde.

The Eiffel Tower

Unfortunately we were unable to see the tower at night due to scheduling constraints, and even then, only at a distance. Even from across the Seine it is still impressive.

Notre Dame

Yet another reason to come back at a later time, the poor Notre Dame, victim of a senseless fire, being reconstructed. Being complacent about anything, will always get you in the end. Yet sometimes to get politicians to act on anything requires a tragedy.

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Restaurants and Cafes

Due to our shortened stay, we were only able to visit one restaurant of note and it wasn’t even French. However, we were able to stop at several small cafes for breakfast and lunch. All were reasonable priced and the food was very good.

Ristorante Spiga

A very small Italian restaurant a block away from our hotel on the Rue Parrot. It has very little room inside or out, so get there early.

Ristorante Spiga – Paris

The food is very good and ostensibly traditional Sardinian. Italians may find it odd that they have pasta dishes with meatballs, instead of separately. Not a show stopper for me, their sauce was very good and the pasta was cooked to perfection.

Prague, Czech Republic – Last Meanderings

Some Final Meanderings and Thoughts

We really enjoyed Prague and because of the Vtlava River running through it, it really reminded us of Turin, though not as laid back.

Prague – The City from Letna Park – Panorama

Not only are there plenty of things to see and do, the city has many restaurants, more than one would think. One can find anything to eat, from Vietnames and Chinese food to all varieties of European cuisine.

The city also has a lot of parks in it, where one can go and enjoy a quiet walk, while admiring some of the monuments and art work that abound in this quiant little eastern European city. We leave you with a parting slide show and a few more restaurant reviews.

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La Veranda Ristorante

Prague – La Veranda Restaurant

For our final day together, the four of us were lucky to stumble upon La Veranda Ristorante, a high end Michelin starred Italian restaurant with excellent food and wine. We spent a few maverlous hours enjoying lunch here, and if you have the chance, you should too!

The Black Elephant Restaurant

Prague – The Black Elephan Restaurant – Front

A truely traditional Czech restaurant, offering all of the local favorites. We expressely stopped in because they advertized and offered Roasted Pig Knuckle, or as the Bavarians would say – Schweinshaxn, which Patti definitely wanted to have before we left.

Prague, Czech Republic – Petrin Hill

Prague’s Petrin Hill

Above the city lies Petrin Hill. A walk of a little over a kilometer and about three hundred steps (if you happen to go that way), or you can take the funicular (which we found to be very crowded on the Sunday), so we walked.

The nice thing about walking, aside from someone you don’t know breathing on you in a confined space, is you get to see things along the way the others in the funicular won’t. Plus, if the weather is nice, it’s actually quite a nice way to spend a Sunday morning.

After Petrin Hill, we continued our walk along the river a bit, before going across the Legion Bridge. Here we watched the river boats enter the river lock mechanism, in order to continue their journeys  up the river.


Luka Lu

If you are looking for good food while dining in a very off-beat interior, look no further than Luka Lu’s.  Located on Újezd street in Mala Strana, it is an excellent place for lunch.

Prague – Luka Lu

After our journey through the park and Petrin Hill, the four of us stopped for lunch. The food at Luka Lu’s was very good, service was great and the off-beat interior somewhat of a treat. If you are looking for something different, this might be the place for you. The prices were very reasonable too!

Prague, Czech Republic – Medieval Alchemy And Eats

Medieval Prague

There are a few places in Prague that still have the medieval charm. One is a museum, the other is a restaurant. But if one is paying attention as they walk around, they will find little medieval curiosities hidden away. It only requires a bit of exploring to find them.

The Old Town Square

The most remarkable thing about the Old Town Square is its small size. It is surprising that such are large medieval city would have such a small square.

Prague – Old Town Square – Jan Hus climbing monument

It does however have several remarkable points of interest and beautiful building contained or encircling it.

The Astronomy Clock

One of the main attractions in Prague is the Astronomical Clock. Aside from its obvious technical fascinations and color, it of course does not move a lot. That does not prevent many from craning their necks staring at it for more than an hour, hoping in vain for the clock to do something. However, the clock being based on a twenty-four hour daytime standard does move, but ever so slowly.

The Speculum Alchemiae

This museum offers guided tours through a historical alchemist’s shop, containing all of the accoutrements of the trade.

Prague – Alchemy Museum – Tickets For Two

There are flasks, alembics, beakers and glass containers of all shapes and sizes littered throughout the shop.

The tour begins the shop and quickly advances through a door and small hallway to the alchemist’s study.

After a twenty minute talk on the herbs and other potions of the alchemist’s trade, as well as a short discussion on books, the tour commenced through a secret opening in the bookcase.

A creepy spiral staircase takes you downstairs into a dungeon like area full of workshops, each for a specific purpose.

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If it was not mentioned before it will be now. If you are interested in any particular restaurants for dinner, make sure you book reservations beforehand. Most of the good ones book up quickly, some times days in advance, so make the call or send the request as soon as possible to get your table.

There are many fine restaurants in Prague and from what I can tell, they have all earned their stars. However, that’s not to say you will go hungry, if you do not make the proper arrangements. There are still numerous restaurants around of all types that might have an empty table, you just may have to do some walking.

There are also street food options, for both lunch and dinner. So, if you are not particular about sitting down, you can consider them as a viable option. As a last resort there are always fast food corporate options, but again, go local if at all possible and enjoy the native cuisine.

Prague – Holiday Market – Rotisserie Pork

The Medieval Tavern – U Krále Brabantského

The first impression from outside is the establishment looks a bit odd, with a figure of a man outstretched from the basement. Once our interests were peaked, we had to investigate further and finally made reservations for the following day when the remainder of our party could join.

Prague – The Medieval Tavern – U Krále Brabantského

I have never been in a more dark or gloomy restaurant as this one, lending it a bit of medieval charm. Lit, more or less, only by candle light, it’s no wonder humanity made it out of the Dark Ages.

Participants should be aware, certain meals do not come with utensils and all of the beers come with a customary bang on the table. Some have been known to break their glasses, which is strangely allowed. The meals are, shall we say, good but very basic – they won’t be earning any Michelin Stars for their cuisine.

Alforno Focacceria

Also known in Czech as Petrské náměstí, is situated on Petrská, just behind our hotel. We picked another Italian restaurant since they are pretty wide spread throughout the city and the actual Czech cuisine is a bit limited.

Prague, Czech Republic – City Of Towers

Our first few days in Prague introduced us to another city of towers, of which eight have some import. It is also a city severed by a river, the river Vltava, which flows into the river Elbe. This river is also a hub of tourism, having several river boat companies plying its waters.

Prague – Panorama of the city

Prague – Some Of The Sights

One can say that Prague is a very easy city to walk. It is well marked and there are plenty of street signs to indicate along the way where the most important landmarks are to see.

Of course, just ambling your way down the city streets works too, which in most cases will lead to some kind of a surprise when you round a corner. Here is a short slide show as we did one of our unguided walks.

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The Klementinum

Of some interest is the Klementinum, an old medieval Dominican Monastery that was later converted into a Jesuit college.

Prague – The Klementinum

It was here, sometime in 1775, that a Jesuit scholar started recording the first set of unbroken climate measurements in eastern Europe. It also houses an impressive Baroque libraries in the world.

The Towers

There are essentially eight towers of import within the city. They include:

    1. The Old Town Bridge Tower
    2. The Lesser Town Bridge Towers
    3. The Old Town Hall Tower
    4. Mirror Maze
    5. Powder Gate Tower
    6. Petrin Lookout Tower
    7. Saint Nicholas Bell Tower
    8. The New Mill Water Tower

The above are all marked on the city map that can be obtained from the city’s InfoPoint center. There are also numerous other lesser towers that can be found when roaming the city, some of which like the above can be ascended.

The Old Town Bridge Tower

From the Old Town in the direction of George’s Bridge one will next come upon the Old Town Bridge Tower. It was completed some time after 1385 and before then end of that century. It has seen a lot of history pass through its portal, wars and coronations alike.

Prague – Old Town Bridge Tower

The Lesser Town Bridge Towers

On the other end of George’s Bridge is the Lesser Town Bridge Towers. Each tower is unique, the one on the left, as viewed from the bridge, is in the Romanesque style and dates from the 12th century. The taller tower is Late Gothic and dates from 1464 and can be ascended.

The Mirror Maze

The Mirror Maze is not a tower, just a building that houses a fun-house for children and adults that contains mirrors. It is similar to mirror houses found at many state fairs in the United States.

Prague – The Mirror Maze

Powder Gate Tower

Prague – Powder Tower – Tickets For Two

Probably one of the first towers you will go see is the Powder Tower. You can purchase a ticket and view the city from this tower for a modest fee of about 3€.

The Powder Tower is so named since they used to store gun powder in it. It has also historically be the starting point of any coronation ceremonies held by the Bohemian Monarchs who entered the city, the ending point being the Prague Castle on the hill.

The building was first started in 1457 and finished some time later.  It  was not finished until the early seventeenth century. It stands at an impressive 195 feet, provided a excellent view of the surrounding city to anyone who ascends its claustrophobic spiral staircase.

A slide show to show our ascent and the rest of Prague from the vantage point of the viewing deck at 44 meters.

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Petrin Lookout Tower

The lookout tower is on top of Petrin Hill and can be found either by walking up the park paths and stairs, there are multiple ways of reaching it;  or by using the Ujezd to Petrin funicular. Though we did not ascend the tower, a pretty fantastic view can be enjoyed by doing so.

Prague – Petrin Lookout Tower

Saint Nicholas Town Bell Tower

Almost a pyramidal tower in look, the tower of Saint Nicholas can be found close to the Prague Castle and is part of Saint Nicholas’ church.

Prague – Saint Nicholas’s Town Bell Tower

The New Mill Water Tower

A six minute walk from our hotel and close to the Stefanik Bridge is the New Mill Water Tower. The tower was built in 1658 to supply water from the Vltava River to the lower portion of Prague.

Saint Peter’s Bell Tower

This is a lesser tower not actually listed in the sightseer’s guides. However, due to its proximity to the hotel, it was easy enough to visit and take a few photographs.

Henry’s Tower

Another lesser tower not on Prague’s official sightseeing list, but on some map, is Henry’s Tower. This tower is pretty close to the main train station in Prague and the Jindřišská tram stop, that is often jammed with trams waiting to go down the street of the same name.

Prague – Henry’s Tower

Art Deco Imperial Hotel

The Art Deco Imperial Hotel is a fine hotel situated just outside the old town, which is a mere ten minute walk away. The rooms are spacious, definitely big enough to relax in and the bathrooms, at least in the room that we were given, are all marble with all of the contemporary conveniences.

Prague – Hotel Imperial Art Deco

It is also very nice that the Imperial Café is part of the hotel, making breakfast a very simple and convenient affair.


Of course, it is a bad habit, but I normally only comment on restaurants or cafés that can be recommended. Since Prague is such a tourist destination, one has to be careful choosing a restaurant here, not all of them serve a quality product. In that event, always go natural, preferring a salad over a different product like sausage, etc. In most cases you will not go wrong.

Imperial Café

On our first night in Prague we ate at the Imperial Café, which is part of the Art Deco Imperial hotel. This café is known for its amazing and beautiful tiled walls and ceilings.

A highly rated café which has obviously earned its stars. It also comes with baggage or purse stools, so that bags, pocketbooks  and other paraphernalia you are carrying, doesn’t have to touch the floor.

Prague – Hotel Imperial Art Deco – Bag Stool provided at the Imperial Café

The service and food were excellent, so we had to try it out. We were not disappointed.

La Bottega Linka

A one minute walk from the Art Deco Imperial Hotel is the Italian Restaurant La Bottega Linka. The restaurant offers a combination of Italian, Czech and  cosmopolitan dishes, as demanded most likely by tourist. However, the food and service are more than satisfactory, though the prices do suffer a bit from tourism area up charge, but still modest.


Vienna, Austria – Prague, Czech Republic – A Train Ride

In keeping with our travel recommendation about train travel, as opposed to taking a plane, we took the ÖOB Railjet train from Vienna in Austria to Prague in the Czech Republic. We just feel it is a quicker solution for short to medium destinations, when you take into account all the nonsense and preparation you must do to travel by air, which usually takes anywhere from two hours on each end. It just isn’t worth the effort to us for a one hour flight, when if you could use the time to enjoy the countryside or read a good book.

Vienna Hauptbahnhof


On To Prague

Our next destination was Prague, where we are to meet my daughter and son-in-law. We left our hotel and using a taxi reached the main station in Vienna in about fifteen minutes. The main train station in Vienna is a very modern facility and connected to the U1 metro and the D Line of the Tram network, so there are multiple ways to reach it.

The Bucolic Czech Countryside

Of course, the Austrian and Czech Republic countrysides in this area of Europe are very similar, being mostly agricultural, with some natural reserved areas and wooded areas.

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Here are also a few videos I shot while enjoying the ride.

Some Recommendations

Upon reaching Prague, we decided to walk with our luggage to the Imperial Hotel, which is about fifteen minutes from the station. Though it can be done, and we actually did it, I cannot say I advise doing it. The Czech streets, in this area and most walkways in the older part of the city, are paved using a special highly contoured version of Sanpietrini, which is actually very difficult to pull your luggage on. It probably also raises hell with wheels on your luggage. So, a word of caution, what you see on the walkway immediately leaving the train station will last until you reach your hotel. That would be the time to seriously contemplate going back and getting into a taxi. Happy travels!

Czech Republic – Arriving in Prague