Cary – The Jumping Off Point

We are in the TRU Hilton hotel next to RDU airport, our jumping off point for our trip. Tomorrow being the big day.

We spent the last couple of days moving out of our apartment. Most of the furniture went to Dana’s apartment, the rest to storage which is now really FULL.

Our Air-Conditioned Storage Room

We have a few more things at Dana’s to do then just waiting for our plane ride. Will be back soon to let you all know how we faired.

2 Replies to “Cary – The Jumping Off Point”

  1. Unser ganzer Respekt für eure mutige Entscheidung.
    Alle guten Wünsche dafür.
    Habt einen guten Trip und alles gute für euren Umzug nach Bella italia.
    Wir freuen uns mit euch.

    1. Hallo Karl Heinz und Isolde,

      Ich werde Euch einen Email nach wir gesiedelt sind.

      Tschüss, Erick, Patti und der grosse Tristan

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