Turin – Annual Motor Show 2019

A quick post about the 5th Annual Motor Show going on in Turin now. We visited it yesterday and they have quite an assembly of cars, boats and other technology to look at. Even the university here had a few entries to demonstrate what they work on and learn, and apparently race!

Our entrance to Valentino Park and the Motor Show 2019
The palace and its entrance to see some special vehicles on display

The Cars

The Food

There is also an extensive food pavilion which is definitely worth the visit. There are foods from all over Italy and other parts of the world including Brazil.

The food pavilion

And then there is the food, from fish to meat to vegan if you so desire.

Of course, there is plenty of dolci or sweets which we got to go, since we had already eaten too much…

So that’s that, the 2019 Turin Motor Show. If you are a car enthusiast you probably have already attended or booked your trip. If not and you are in the area it is definitely worth a stop. We enjoyed it and we no longer own an automobile nor particularly like them! 🙂