Family Tree

Genealogy Trees

The following are the available genealogical trees for families related to us. They have been made public, since few contain any remaining living relatives.

      • Dal gCais – Family Tree of the Ancient Dalcassian Irish Kings
      • De Cicco – Family Tree of Modest Anthony DeCicco
      • Gaschel – Family Tree of John Francis Gaschel
      • Grater – Family Tree of Nellie Friederika Grater
      • Griffin – Family Tree of Charles Anthony Griffin
      • Lasher – Family Tree of Margaret Hover Lasher
      • Todisco – Family Tree of Rosa Francesca Todiso
      • Reinfried – Family Tree of Walter Reinfried

To View A Family Tree

Click on a name above. Once the web page has loaded, click on trees in the menu-bar above. The web page will update for that family. In the frame or window to the left, click on the main family name to display the scalable image.

Once in the large scale image you may zoom in/out and select any individual by clicking on the box that contains their name. There are numerous other features as well, including individual timelines, pedigree charts, etc., too many to outline here.

Image Loading Issues

There are occasions when the Scalable Vector Graphic (SVG) image containing the family tree may not appear. When this occurs, try some of the following to remedy.

Possible Problems and Solutions

Problem: The SVG image containing the family tree does not appear.

Solution: Try reloading just the frame containing the image.

    • In the frame where the image should appear, click the right-mouse button
      • Select Current Frame -> Reload Current Frame

Solution: (Less common) On Firefox (v99.x and below) you may have to disable any protection plugins (e.g. uBlockOrigin, DuckDuckGo Privacy, etc.) you have installed to protect from unwanted images loading in your browsers, since they could potentially contain a virus.

    • In the upper right of the browser, below the tabs and just right of the URL field should be a number of icons for these plugins, if you have them installed.
      • While on the page and frame that is supposed to display the SVG tree, click on the plugin icon possibly causing the issue and disable it for this URL.