The Questura di Torino, is let’s say not the most inviting place, for it would remind one, for those old enough to remember, of their local DMV (Department of Motor Vehicles) back in the 1960’s. Having been here only once to obtain an appointment, which by the way took two hours, I re-entered with some trepidation.
This week, on May 15th, we returned for my Permesso di Soggiorno (permission of stay.) After reading all the print-outs that were taped on all the walls, my wife and I decided to take a more direct approach and just go inside, behind the green barred protected area, and stand in line, directly in front of BLUE window number 1, as indicated on my appointment sheet.
Within five minutes we were yelled at and sent back, along with almost everyone else loitering there, out to the waiting area. It turned out, the scoreboard there read out one’s number along with the applicable window to go to when called, nonetheless I remained confident.

As my appointment time drew closer, I started to get more anxious as to whether or not we actually understood what they actually told us. Do I have all the correct documents?

Finally, three minutes after three o’clock in the afternoon, with them just returning from lunch ????? , my number was called.

Actually after the lady remonstrated a couple for being in front of us, since their number was NOT called, we reluctantly approached the window. We didn’t have everything she wanted, but she spoke English very well and we were able to explain or provide proof to all her questions and satisfaction. After my finger printing we left with my temporary permesso and it all took less than an hour..! In Italy no less, go figure.
How long do you have permission to stay for? Love your blog!!!!
Hi Aunt Pat,
He can live here for as long as we want to, since I have citizenship. It just entails a lot of bureaucracy and paperwork. Happy you are enjoying the blog!
Great post! Your pictures were funny. ?
Yeah, it was pretty quiet the day I had my appointment, so after the police officer pushed us all out to the waiting room I got sleepy, as retired people do and had to find a distraction, so I took some pics and made a blog article. 🙂