Cinque Terre – Vernazza

Vernazza is not so much about the town itself as getting there, the old fashion way, by foot! You may also choose the train, ferry or car, but you would be missing out on adventure and some great views.

Leaving Monterosso on foot, overlook

On the second day of our visit in Monterosso, our plans were to attempt the hike, approximated by the Park Service as two hours in length, to Vernazza. I had purchased the customary cheap hat for the occasion and am glad I did, for even the early mid-day sun is unrelenting here.

The trail to start with is somewhat improved on both ends, but quickly deteriorates and is at best modestly kept by the park service. The stairs are long and very steep in some sections and the trail drops off precipitously on one side in many areas. We saw many people in difficulty from time to time, so it’s best to be in at least moderate shape to attempt, as well as enjoy it.

Looking back towards Monterosso

The views once up on the cliffs are amazing.

Patti on the trail
Ericka on the stone bridge

There are also some surprises, including an arched bridge over a stream which affords one a photo-op.

The trail can be treacherous, but the sights extraordinary – Vernazza in the distance

The trail sign along the way is marked with white/red stripes. Follow these in either direction and you are on the coastal path! After one 1/2 liter bottle each of water, the sight and signs of Vernazza grow clearer.

Just outside Vernazza
Trail signs, they are there, pay attention

After descending the requisite number of steps, you finally emerge into Vernazza, trail beaten, but there!

Patti and Erick in Vernazza
Ericka and Erick, we made it

The town itself is very small but the swimming looks great. The water is crystal clear though the beach somewhat wanting for real sand as in Monterosso.

Vernazza beach and tower

One of the more expansive views you will get in this town, is by the beach.

Another quiet side street

The town itself is an inter-connected series of narrow alleys with one main street; where all the shops and cafes are.

The side streets are quiet; the main street mayhem

An interesting little town, but probably better to visit during the Winter months, since during our time here, it appeared overwhelmed; at least on the main street by tourism.

2 Replies to “Cinque Terre – Vernazza”

  1. On my Bucket List! Rich always wanted to take me there. Thank you for sharing!

    1. ❤❤ Hope your bucket list also includes, “Visit Patti and Erick” ??

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