Germany – On To Heidelberg

Our last day in Munich completes itself with a trainride to Heidelberg via Stuttgart. Taking the inter-city IC trains was a snap using the trainline-eu phone app.

Munich HauptBahnhof

Munich Hauptbahn is my favorite train station, leaving it behind is both a memory and an auf wiederschauen.

Munich Hbf platforms

We arrived on time and took streetcar 24 to Mühltalstrasse and the Gasthaus zum Deutscher Kaiser hotel.

Two tickets to Handshuhsheim

A quaint, newly renovated, nothing to speak of personally owned hotel, with breakfast included.

Gasthaus zum Deutscher Kaiser

Our Gasthaus is situated one mile as the crow flies from Heidelberg altstadt.

A view of Handshuhsheim from our hotel rooftop window

And lastly for its namesake…Wilhelm der zweiter.

The many colors and nuances of Wilhelm II