Sestri Levante – Quiet Pleasure

Traveling through Italy, especially along the coasts and especially during the Summer months, one usually expects a throng of tourists where ever one goes. We had just such an expectation when we arrived in Sestri Levante, a quaint little town just south of Chiavari.

Sestri Levante – Beach to the North

We were however pleasantly surprised to the contrary. Yes there are tourists, including ourselves and others from Europe. However the bulk of tourists here appear to be Italian. So this may be one of their secrets.

Vittorio Veneto – Colorful Building
Vittorio Veneto – Laid-back Street Life

The town itself has an obvious appeal, though not very big it is very colorful and seems to have all the amenities.

Looking North
Looking East
Looking South

The beach is without a doubt very rocky in places, but the town and hotels take care to rake them to make your visit more enjoyable.

Public Beach – Colorful Umbrellas

Finding places to eat is also not a problem. There are very good restaurants at the two four star hotels near the beach, as well as Osterias, Caffes and Pizzerias on many of the small side streets.

Via Penisola Levante
Via Giuseppe Garibaldi

We enjoyed our three days here relaxing on the beach and uncrowded surf. Definitely high on our list for a return trip.

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