Copenhagen, Denmark – Castles & Palaces

Like the British, the Danes are steeped in the tradition of a royal family. With Copenhagen as the capitol of the country, there are numerous castles and palaces that demonstrate the royal family’s hold on the country and its citizens and I guess their imaginations.

The Royal Family

The family owns, either directly or indirectly, three important landmarks within the city of Copenhagen that are castles or palaces. Much has been turned into museum or tourist attraction, no doubt to keep the family coffers full. Some, like Amalienborg, the royal residence, are guarded and entertain a changing of the guard show.

The Palaces

The are many palaces in Copenhagen, perhaps a bit too many to see in one trip. There are the Amalienborg – which contains four palaces, Christriansborg Palace which are right in town, but there is also Frederiksberg Palace and more further out from the city. If you are into grand buildings and royal history, these will probably be must-see spots.


The current residence of the royal family is in Amalienborg. This palace occupies are large square in almost four city square blocks. It is divided into four distinct buildings with gardens, one of which is the Amalienborg Palace Museum, which may be visited. Each building is a palace in its own right, they are Christian VII’s Palace, Christian VIII’s Palace, Frederick VIII’s Palace and Christian IX’s Palace.

Amalienborg was once the location of two other palaces which either suffered greatly from fire, or burnt to the ground completely. Subsequent construction led to the building of the palaces we see today.

The museum is free to those who enter with a City Card, otherwise the entrance fee is kr.120 (appr. €16)/person. The museum is in a building adjacent to Christian VII’s Palace and has two floors that contain items from the living quarters of past and present royal family members. If you have any transcendent ideas about ownership or property, you may want to skip this museum. I too, had a difficult time understanding why anyone would want to collect that much stuff for personal use. But, I am probably in the minority.

Lastly, there is a collection of the royal medals and other accoutrements, here is a short slideshow on them.

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Christiansborg Palace

Today, Christiansborg Palace not only houses museums and other tourist attractions, but it is also the seat of Danish Government. All three branches of government are represented in the Palace. The palace contains horse stables, an old kitchen and the royal reception rooms, all of which can be visited free with the City Card, or kr.155 (about €9)/person.

Originally constructed as Absalon’s Castle, it has been sacked, demolished and burnt to the ground numerous times. In fact, on one occasion it was dismantled brick by brick. Nevertheless, the Danes have always rebuilt some palace structure here, no doubt a testament to their fortitude. To date, there have been at least five reincarnations of the structure. The basement contains an archeological site showing the ancient remains for the first palace and perhaps foundations of even older structures.

The palace contains amazing chandeliers and ceiling details. The following slideshow provides a good overall walk-through of the palace.

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You may also see the old Royal Kitchen, which frankly you can skip. We visited only because we had the City Card and it was free.

The Castles

Be aware, some venues require that you book a time slot, even if you have a City Card. This can be done online, or by showing up at the ticket office and scheduling your visit. The City Card does explain this on the venue’s information site if you click on it.

Rosenborg Castle

As far as castles go, Rosenborg Castle is a fairly small one on the northwest edge of King’s Garden. It was built in Danish Renaissance style in the 1600s as a summer place for King Frederik IV.

The building has very elaborate ceilings, some of which appear to be in the Rococo style.

Of particular interest is the Danish Throne Chair with the three stately lions in front. The chairs are on the third floor on what used to be called the “Long Hall”, it is now called the “King’s Hall”.

There are also several timepieces and at least one Astrolabe of special note.

The rest may be enjoyed in the following slideshow.

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King’s Gardens

The castle also has the “King’s Garden”, a complex of garden paths and interesting things to see that the former residence could enjoy.


On The Sunny Side Italian Restaurant

A very good Italian restaurant on the Nyhavn canal which offers good food and has a decent wine list. A bit pricey, but you are on the canal, and what isn’t pricey in Copenhagen?

Fredco’s Deli

A very small establishment on Grønnegade street which provides a very reasonably priced lunch menu that does include salads. Here you can select from a variety of things for your salad, including dressings. Though a bit on the basic side, if you are tired of eating meat based meals every time you sit down, this might be the stop for you. The interior is in the basement and is very utilitarian in look and feel, but you should be able to find a place to sit and enjoy your lunch.

Copenhagen, Denmark – Multiple Museums

After finally dodging a lot of raindrops and having an initial stroll through the city, we decided on museums, first the Copenhagen Museum, then the National Danish Museum. Both of these contain many floors and numerous exhibits and took us a good hour or so to cover each of them.

To get there we had to take the Metro from Kongens Nytorv to  Rådhuspladsen, which is very near the Tivoli Gardens, another venue we were planning to see.


If you have the time and are a bit of a planner, like we are, you might want to check out the Copenhagen City Cards. There are a two different kinds, each with its own capability. We decided on the Discoverer Card and chose the 72 hour one, giving us 3 days of Metro access and free access to numerous museums, parks and other activities. Though the price is a bit steep at kr.459 (around €60), if you plan properly and keep to your itinerary, you can save some considerable money. Most of the venues in the city run over $20-25/person and with the Metro thrown in, it counts up quickly.


Both museums are located in the same area, down by Christiansborg Castle, so it is quite easy to do them in a few hours. Then if you have time, you can visit the castle as well.

Copenhagen Museum

The Copenhagen museum is a very good history of the city, from its ancient ramparts, to its present day seat of the royal family. The information about the museum is easily obtained, so I will only go over a few high points and slide show the rest.

The tour starts with the ancient city and its fortifications, some of which have been preserved and are on display.

There is also a good display on human skeletons and analysis on them to show the living conditions back then, which I might add, did not include a lot of health care (as we are used to today).

It is interesting that in the thirteenth to fifteenth centuries there were numerous people who were able to have keys to the city. Others needed a pass in order to walk freely in the city, most of these were provided to the wealthy patrons and businessmen of the time.

It was also a crime to be poor and people were often punished for it. Others, who had committed felonies were often sentenced to death and would remain behind prison doors until their untimely demise. The door below was from Stokhuset prison in 1677, it is where the priest would meet those who were imprisoned there and likely to perish.

Here is a slideshow to show the remainder.

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Danish National Museum

The National Museum houses all things Danish, from the Vikings to the present day. There is a very interesting section on the late 1900s, 1960-80 that amused us.

The Viking display and video is very well done. The video on a Viking raid took about 20 minutes to view, but was well worth the time. Although they depicted it as a raid, it was more like a true adventure that took 60+ ships through the Mediterranean Sea and all along the coasts of Spain, France, Italy and north Africa.

The museum has a floor on humanity’s ethnographic differences in culture, clothing, tools and lifestyle. It covers the Scandinavian countries including Greenland and Iceland, as well as large parts of Asia and Meso-America.

The humorous part of the museum contains more contemporary desiderata from our own life and times. They even have a mock-up of a Danish living room from the 1960s. Just the shear volume of artifacts is difficult to imagine, let alone write about.

So, if you have the time in your schedule a visit to both of these museums is definitely worth the time. Especially, if the weather is not cooperating or if you are looking for something to do between your many castle or palace tours that you have arranged.

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Karla Restaurant

A great restaurant for lunch, they have an excellent menu and fair prices. The food is tasty and the portion sizes will fill most American appetites. The decor is rather plain and in need of an update, but we found this true of most places we visited in Copenhagen.

Copenhagen, Denmark – Our Rainy Stroll

Monday was close to being a total write-off on account of the rain. However, somehow we managed to persevere through the rain and especially the wind with our rain jackets and umbrellas to see a few things.

Our intention was to see the Kastellet, which was a fairly short walk through Amalienborg. But because of the wind lashing the rain around at about 35-40 m.p.h., we decided to turn back. Instead, we did a short tour with some shopping thrown in (to stay out of the weather, of course), with the buildings offering some protection along the way.

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Amalienborg is the home of the danish royal family with a large square that is guarded at each gate by royal guards. The square is rather austere and barren, aside from that there really is not much to see.


We took the day to visit a number of churches along our shorten rainy route.

Frederik’s Church

The largest church dome in Scandinavia is Frederik’s Church. It is also known as the Marble Church, it was finally finished in 1897 after numerous scandals and financial issues. The inside is dark and houses two separate organs. The inside is rather unique as the entire church is housed under the dome, there are no apses, naves or other familiar structures.



A typical danish restaurant along the Nyhavn, offering danish cuisine and simple fare. We stopped here and ate outside even with the wind and the rain, since their umbrella system and heating was first rate. Plus, the benches were covered in sheep wool, making it rather comfortable for such a damp and cold day.

We ordered something light that we could share, smørrebrød, a portion of the danish meatballs and the roast beef. Both were served with sweet pickle and an herb mayonnaise, very good.

Mormors Cafe

A small cafe, ostensibly the oldest in the city. It offers very good coffee, though a bit expensive – as it is all over the city, and an eclectic interior.

Copenhagen, Denmark – Fire And Ice

Some weeks ago, we decided on another side trip, somewhere distant, in an attempt to avoid others who are traveling and the Italian coasts where all the Italians would be going. We decided on Copenhagen, since Ryanair has a short non-stop cheap flight to this destination from our local Turin airport and to get a break from the unusually warm weather we had been having in Turin. It’s turning out to be some break.


The flight left Turin without any issues, though admittedly it is a small airport, probably comparable to New York’s Albany airport. In over just an hour and a half, we were already preparing to land at Copenhagen’s airport as we flew over the Øresund, the body of water which separates Denmark and Sweden.

Copenhagen Airport

When we deplaned, we had then realized that we had exchanged fire for ice. In Turin it was a beautiful day in the mid 70’s, here, it was a windy, cloudy, rainy day in the high 50’s. One could say, a real shock to our system.

They have a very nice airport, but it is long and spread out, and it felt like an eternity before we found the exit. However, once we arrived at the luggage carousel, our luggage was in plain sight and ready for us. We grabbed them both quickly and headed for the metro, which has direct service into the city’s center and costs about one tenth that of a taxi fare.

Copenhagen City

We exited at Kongens Nytorv metro station to find it really was freezing out. We quickly retrieved our rain jackets from our luggage and then headed for our hotel (more on our hotel later).

Since we arrived later in the afternoon and because of the weather we soon found ourselves just looking for a place to eat. So, we unpacked a little at the hotel and left to go look at the Nyhavn area for places to eat. Our choice you will find below in the next section, in meantime we found the Nyhavn canal area fascinating and very convenient for us.


The Nyhavn canal district is full of restaurants, with a plethora of cuisine types and price ranges. You will find the food rather expensive, all restaurants will levy a twenty-five percent tax on everything your order, no exceptions that we have found. So, choose accordingly.

Cap Horn

For our first evening we chose a restaurant that had steak on the menu and Cap Horn, since their menu on the web said they had hamburgers and other entries. Unfortunately, you cannot order from the lunch menu during dinner hours,  so we ended up ordering steak.

The steak was very good, in fact everything we ordered was very good and the service was acceptable and polite. However, with appetizers, water and wine we found our bill came to a little over fifteen hundred Krone, or a bit over $220 for our meal. I am not averse to spending that much money for a meal for two people, but the products and the services offered are definitely not worth that much. We found it tolerable for one evening, but we will be making some changes in our choices going forward. So do your restaurant research here well!

Some much for our first day and evening in Copenhagen, more to come soon!

Alba, Italy – Piedmont’s Wine Center

Our trip started at Turin’s Porta Susa train station. For a little over 12€/person, you can purchase a one-way commuter ticket on Piedmont’s Sfm4 line to Alba, which takes about an hour and twenty minutes to get there, going through Bra first, which can also be a stop on your itinerary.


Anyone serious about wine or truffles has to visit Alba, Italy. Located an hour or so south of Turin, it is a bustling center for both, especially in the Fall when both of these products are harvested. Our whole intent on visiting the town was a wine tour we had booked for Barolo and Barbaresco (covered in my next post), but we decided to grab a hotel and enjoy an extra day just to explore.

The town is rather self contained and almost in the shape of a loose hexagon, owing to its ancient Roman ancestry as a fortification no doubt. There are several places where these ancient ruins are evident and demonstrate how the town itself is constructed upon them, using them as a foundation. There are also underground caverns and tunnels that can be explored, but arrangements have to be made ahead of time in order to visit them.

The town has numerous towers and it was once known as the town with a hundred towers. These were most likely constructed as lookouts and were defensive in nature.

There are also numerous churches, as is true of most Italian towns and cities. The cathedral, or Duomo, occupies a central place near the town’s marketplace and between the Piazza Duomo and Piazza Rossetti. The interior is typical for its size and function.

Other churches, including the Church of the Maddalena, actually have more interesting and elaborate interiors. One, the Church of Saint John the Baptist, looks more like a provincial library than a church inside.

Hotel Dellatorre

A three star hotel, which is actually more of a converted Bed-n-Breakfast, than a real hotel. It is more like a cafe/bar that has added rooms and tries to call itself a hotel. All the rooms are separate and there is no main structure with hallways, they all have external doors.

The owner runs a cafe or bar as well, and although we stayed here for one night, we did not use her cafe for breakfast, since we had learned that the beverages were a bit over-priced. Again, we are not sure whether that is in fact the case, but we did notice that there was no menu or price list anywhere. While we travel we have a general rule that if the prices are not listed, we tend to avoid the establishment.

The room was spacious enough, quiet and comfortable for the most part. The bed was very hard, so if you prefer that kind of mattress firmness, this place might be for you.



For lunch we ate at Conterosso and chose two of the local dishes. Patti had the Agnolotti with truffles and I had the veal with a barolo wine sauce, both were excellent dishes.

Gusto Madre

A contemporary dining place that makes excellent pizza. Located in Piazza Michele Ferrero, it is just on the edge of town.

Since Patti was not feeling well, I ate alone and just ordered a simple Pizza Margherita which was drizzled with a pesto, it was actually quite good.

Map of the City

Below is a map of the city.

Verbania, Italy – Pallanza and Villa Taranto

Across Lake Maggiore from Stresa lies Verbania and the town of Pallanza. This is another destination one may reach by purchasing a ferry ticket with the Lake Maggiore Ferry transportation system.


Since we had an extra day, we took a day trip there to discover if Pallanza had anything to offer and to visit the Gardens of Villa Taranto.


There is not much to see here, though during our visit there was a lot of lake side construction, which not only blocked our view of things but made for a rather noisy visit. Hence, we did not stop here to eat anything.

The town is actually quite simple and the only things there that stand out are the Church of Saint Leonard and its bell tower, and a few World War I memorials.

The water show off the beach appeared a bit to much for a destination offering so little, but we took a photograph of it anyway.

After a quick tour of Pallanza, we attempted to walk to the Villa Taranto gardens. After about forty minutes of frustration with a well known map application, we decided to turn around and take the ferry instead, which has service to the gardens.

Regardless what the phone application tries to tell you, you may not enter the gardens from any side other than from where the boat launch is, so do not try unless you want to walk on a state road or you want to waste a lot of your time trying. The entire garden is surrounded by immense walls or fences and all of the entry points are locked. I walked all the way up to the Oratory of Saint Remigio just to make sure.

Villa Taranto

Villa Taranto is the ferry stop right after Pallanza and before Intra. It is about a ten to fifteen minute ride from Pallanza, so we purchased a round trip ticket from Pallanza to Villa Taranto to make up the difference with our ticket from Stresa to Pallanza, since we would be taking the ferry directly back once we finished the gardens.

The Gardens

The gardens of Villa Taranto are very well kept and marked. Each section is dedicated to some specific type of flora or theme. The walkways are well maintained such that you will have no issues ascending the hill that the gardens are planted on.

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In Villa Taranto we ate at the bistro within the park, having no desire after a long walk through the gardens of venturing any further out.

Cafè & Bistrot

Nothing much to rave about here, it is just a simple bistro and cafe. In one section you may sit and enjoy a drink, in the other you may order lunch or whatever they are serving at the time, if they are open. For lunch, we just had a simple salad with tomatoes and Tropea onions and olive oil, along with some white wine on the side, which was very dry and very good.

Aside from the failed attempt to walk to Villa Taranto Gardens, the ferry and the gardens, saved what could have been a sweaty miserable afternoon looking at flowers. So after eating, we thoroughly enjoyed our boat trip back to Stresa and would commend others not to stop in Pallanza, but go straight to the gardens and perhaps even Intra later, if the traveling bug moves you so.

Stresa, Italy – Borromeo Islands

Borromeo Islands

Of the five Borromeo islands that make up that small group in Lake Maggiore, three have ferry service to them, one is uninhabitable, but has a beach you can visit, and the other, not far off the coast near Pallanza, is small and not frequented by visitors.

One should note, at least for our CMA ferry service, the islands are visited in an order, as presented below. Altering this order is impossible, if not very difficult, so plan accordingly.

Isola Bella

Isola Bella is probably the most frequented of the three. It has an ostensibly renowned italianate garden, which you have to purchase tickets for of course, but they do include access to the palazzo and the other gardens on Isola Madre.

The Palazzo

The entrance to the gardens is via the palazzo, you cannot just walk into them. We walked through the old fishing town thinking there were multiple entrances to the gardens, there are not. There is only one, through the palazzo and after the ticket counter.

A walk-through of the palazzo is provided in the below slideshow.

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The gardens are accessed from the palazzo through what is called Diana’s Atrium, a small sub-garden with stairways to the garden. There is not much to see here and it is probably meant more as a meeting place, than any important adjunct to the gardens, so we ascended to the gardens almost immediately.

The Gardens

The gardens do contain some interesting species, especially the old Camphor tree that was planted there in 1819 by Vitaliano IX Borromeo. It also houses a peacock and peahen, which will provide the necessary background noise in the gardens for any videos you wish to make.

Apparently the pride of the gardens is the Massimo Theater. A rather odd assemblage of opulent statues and finished by Carlo IV, it probably points to the decedent past these properties enjoyed.

Isola dei Pescatori

Even though its proper name of Isola Superiore belies its size, Isola dei Pescatori is the smallest of the three islands. Its main attraction is the small fishing town that stretches from three quarters of its shoreline.

There is only enough room here for restaurants, cafes, shops, boat docks and the odd park on the northwest side of the island. So, casually walking its streets and narrow alleyways is, more or less, the only thing to do here, aside from eating of course.

Isola Madre

Isola Madre is the largest of the three and for the most part is an island with a garden and palazzo on it. The garden is entered first, after turning right off the boat and taking the a long garden path walk around a third of the island.

Once you pass the entrance, where a person will scan your tickets, the garden begins.

The Garden

I found this garden quieter, more casual and more enjoyable overall. It has a few different sections, including a jungle environment which is very wet and grows ferns and other jungle type plants.

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The Palazzo

Immediately outside the entrance to the palazzo is a huge Cashmir Cypress tree, that was once blown over by a tornado on the island and later saved. It is indeed a magnificent specimen.

The interior of the palazzo is very interesting and a bit disturbing as well. It contains a lot of desiderata, so the displays can often appear disjointed and not themed well. However, taken as the idiosyncrasies of its creators and owners, it is perhaps more understandable. I found it enjoyable though confused at times, in its own way.

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We thoroughly enjoyed our day visiting all three islands. Though it is a lot to see in one day, it took us about five hours, it is manageable. It might be more difficult if it is hot outside, since all of the gardens are outside and the palazzos do not appears to have any air-conditioning in them. However, there are plenty of places to buy water on each of the islands, so staying hydrated should not be an issue.


Though there are restaurants and cafes on all the islands, we ate on the island of Pescatori because it was in the middle of our day boat trip to all of the islands, and at around half past one, it broke the trip up just about right.

Trattoria Ristorante Imbarcodero

The Trattoria Ristorante Imbarcodero is on the small island of Pescatori. In fact, most of the good restaurants of the three islands are probably here. It has a wide variety of Italian dishes that one can choose from the menu. For lunch, we kept it simple, since we were both not feeling one hundred percent and already had a substantial breakfast at the hotel.

Stresa, Italy – Quiet Lake Retreat


Stresa is a small lake-side tourist attraction on Lake Maggiore, Italy. It is frequented by Italians, Brits, French, Germans, Asians and the odd American. It is only a tiny strip of about a few kilometers, where there are a dozen or so hotels. It is not very busy, unlike the Mediterranean coast, so it is very laid back and relaxing – a quiet retreat.

View from hotel room – Hotel Regina Palace – Stresa, Italy

The area is know for its three Borromean islands, Isola Bella, Isola dei Pescatori (also known as Isola Superiore) and Isola Madre. More on these later.

The town is rather simple, but it has ample restaurants and other types of shopping. There is also an amazing AgriGelateria at Corso Umberto I, which has excellent gelato with all natural and authentic flavors, a must stop, especially when it is really hot outside.

Lungolago di Stresa

Stresa also has a wonderful boardwalk area stretching from Stresa along the lake front and becoming the Passeggiata del lago di Carciano, which is directly across from Isola Bella. It’s a bit over a kilometer and will take about a quarter to half of an hour to walk, depending on your pace.

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Hotel Regina Palace

In its heyday, this four star hotel must have been a place to see and enjoy. However, aside from its opulent structure, this hotel is a solid three-star hotel than what it’s advertised.

The issues we had while here for our short five day star were as follows:

    • Our room was not vacuumed for our entire stay.
    • There was no Hair Conditioner nor Body Lotion in the bathroom.
    • The plumbing is old, requires repairs and updating, some things leak continuously.
    • The walls in the rooms are paper-thin and the painting is dated.
    • Room service does not fill everything you would expect, e.g. tissues.
    • In the dining area – they do not replace things unless you request and even then you might not get it, e.g. syrup for your pancakes.
    • In the dining area – you may have to seat yourself, the concierge is not very attentive. I know it’s Italy, but most of the time half of the staff is standing around doing nothing.

The hotel is in a very strategic position along the coast, it is both very close to the islands and the town, this was one of the reasons we selected it. So, if you visit this hotel, be aware of the aforementioned issues and go in with your eyes wide shut.

Zermatt, Switzerland – Matterhorn Express – Part Four

Matterhorn Express

The Matterhorn Express, the last leg of our journey here, is the longest of the rides you may take with the Peak Pass. It covers the gondola ride from Zermatt via Furi, all the way up to Klein Matterhorn and the Matterhorn Glacier Paradise.

The Ride Up

The gondola ride is fairly long and one can hop-on and hop-off and several different places along the way.


This is about the third stop on the way up and is after Furi. It is just up over massif that separates the high peaks from the valley floor below. In fact, as you go up the hill on the gondola ride you cannot see the Matterhorn until you just about reach Schwarzsee.

Trockener Steg

Another stop just before Klein Matterhorn is the Trockener Steg. It lays at around eleven thousand feet in elevation, so you will feel some relief from the elevation once you arrive here on the way back down.

Klein Matterhorn

The top of the Klein Matterhorn is a cold, snowy and glacier dominated place. It has a commanding view of the Mattertal towards Zermatt and the Aosta Valley inside Italy. From here the Matterhorn looks very different, taking on the appearance of the rest of the horns, as the high peaks in this area are called.

Matterhorn Glacier Paradise

The tunnel that has been carved out into the glacier was probably once done on behalf of scientific curiosity and has now become a tourist attraction, complete with ice carvings. An interesting, if not very cold attraction. In order to thoroughly enjoy this you should be properly dressed, it is very cold.

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A must see trip and not for the faint of heart. If you have issues with height, be prepared, the gondola ride brings you across chasms that are quite deep and the gondolas are complete glass, so it will seem as though you are suspended in air. Here are a few videos where you can get an appreciation for what to expect.

We really enjoyed our day on the Matterhorn Express and would recommend it to anyone with plans to visit Zermatt. This concludes our visit to Zermatt, Switzerland.

Zermatt, Switzerland – Gornergrat – Part Three


Another must see place in Zermatt is Gornergrat. You can reach this promontory by using the Gornergrat train, a mountain rack railway, which ascends the mountain passed Riffelalp and Riffelberg.

There are several stops besides these two along the way that one may decide to leave the train and just walk or hike. However, unlike Sunnegga and Blauherd, the terrain here is a bit more unforgiving and vertical. Also, the weather on top of the mountains can be cold and unpredictable, so bring something warm and something waterproof, especially if you are hiking.

Gornergrat Glacier

The height of the trip is the summit and the Gornergrat Glacier. Aside from this, this isn’t much to see, especially in marginal weather when the Matterhorn is obscured.

Panorama of Gorner Glacier – Gornergrat – Zermatt, Switzerland


On the way down we stopped at Riffelberg, with the hopes of getting some hiking in down to Riffelalp. However, the weather was not looking very good and we were still suffering from our colds, so we decided against it.

Here are some short videos that were taken of our trip.


We did not eat at the restaurant on the summit, but rather waited until we were back in Zermatt. We left around ten in the morning and were already back a little after noon.

China Garden

Any one seeking good Chinese food at very reasonable prices has to visit the China Garden.

They have all the dishes which are prepared with continental ingredients and taste delicious. For those that prefer their lunches uncomplicated, here you can definitely find some vegetarian or simple to order.

And of course, after lunch the day would not be complete this week without the customary rain storm. Actually, this was just a gentle shower, later in the day we had a very severe thunderstorm. But we were inside the hotel by then and did not care. Again, the weather can be unpredictable here, so be prepared and check the forecast, they are for the most part reliable.

Tomorrow it’s on to Matterhorn Glacier, so we will be taking the Matterhorn Glacier Express.