Turin – Mother’s Day at Valentino Park

A belated append for Mother’s Day, spent at Valentino Park. Patti and I decided yesterday on taking a nice leisurely stroll down to the medieval village, approximately a mile walk from our apartment.

Valentino Park, Turin

The park itself is pretty expansive. It contains many paved paths with some roads going through it. Several boating club houses dot the river bank. The river Po borders it along its eastern side where on this day it was hosting a boating race regatta.

Patti outside the Medieval Village

Medieval Village

The village was built in the 19th century as an authentic reproduction of an actual medieval village prior to its demise.

Entry to the Village

There are of course several shops and demonstration stations. There are some light tourist things for sale, including the ever popular Harry Potter paraphernalia, wands and such.

Inside the Village

The buildings are characteristically very close together and include the customary trenches for waste water, which were thoughtfully dry.

Interesting Paintings

The colonnades have the traditional colors of the builders and there are several paintings or remarks in the stones.

An old hand operated Printing Press

There is even an old printing press with demonstrations strategically placed behind a sample of the wall mosaics of that time. The only thing missing here are medieval people, their animals and probably all the smells that go along with them. ?

Architectural details

We ended our Mother’s Day walk by visiting the arboretum or Giardino Roccioso.

Giardino Roccioso

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