Turin – The Royal Museums

Yesterday, we went to the Royal Museums of Turin. It includes the Royal Palace and its Gardens, the Royal Library and Armory, the Sebaudian Gallery (Dutch & Flemish paintings) the Museum of Antiquities and the Chapel of the Holy Shroud.

Tickets for Three

Cathedral of St. John the Baptist

The Holy Shroud


Cathedral of St. John the Baptist

Royal Palace of the Savoys

The Entrance

Photos of the Royal Palace. Some rooms were quite gaudy.

Views from the Royal Palace


Chapel of the Holy Shroud

A fire destroyed part of the Chapel in 1997 and is undergoing restoration

Tristan in the Museum of Antiquities

We do enjoy museums! Can you tell?

2 Replies to “Turin – The Royal Museums”

  1. Everything is just so beautiful! I’m so glad you are enjoying it! I love seeing it all through your eyes!!!!

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